The Losing Weight Battle- I’m winning!

Wahoo! I have always been the kind of person that has needed to watch my weight. I’ve always had trouble, a lot of trouble, losing weight and no trouble gaining it. I remember back to middle school when all of my friends ate whatever they wanted and I was already concerned about eating healthy. In high school, my mom, sister and I would try different kinds of diets and have limited success which was followed by gaining weight again.

Since November, but more faithfully since the new year, I have been cutting out all sugar, processed food, grain, caffeine and alcohol and exercising (not like crazy, but consistently), de-stressing and sleeping 8 hours every night AND I finally feel good! I feel like I have conquered this huge issue. My mood is better, I have more energy, fewer cravings and I’m losing weight–weight that has been slowly creeping up since the end of college. I can do it! Not perfectly, but pretty darn well and let me tell you, I feel fantastic! I haven’t weighed myself since Christmas, at which point I had lost about 15 pounds since summer and dropped a pant size.

It gets even better. That new pant size that I dropped? Well, after putting on my fresh out-of-the-drier jeans (which we all know make us feel fat), I pulled them off of my body while they were buttoned!!! They are falling off of me. Seriously, this has never happened. I am bragging and I know it, but it’s because I deserve it.

Suck it, weight, you’ve lost your grip on me!

Katie- 100 points, Weight- 0

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About ArtsyKatie

I enjoy all kinds of art and I love trying new things. Colorful buildings, natural scenery, photography, funky architecture, different cultural settings and international cooking all inspire me. I am a ceramic tile and mosaic artist and I create supplies for others to use in their own artistic endeavors.

4 responses to “The Losing Weight Battle- I’m winning!”

  1. onedayinthelifeofj says :

    Congrats!! Losing weight is NOT easy, you totally deserve to brag!

  2. jan says :

    I might have to join the family health plan since I am feeling tired and not loosing weight!

  3. kitchen-dreams says :

    Wow! Congratulations and keep up the good work. I’m glad you are seeing and enjoying the success!

  4. Nicole says :

    That is awesome! I am thrilled for you and your victories!!! Here’s to the food journey!

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