Tag Archive | Homemade deodorant

Strangest Pregnancy Symptom

You always here about the odd things that happen when your pregnant. For example, your hair gets thicker or curly, nails get stronger, cravings, etc. Well, my strangest symptom is one that I have never heard of before: itchy, rashy, inflamed armpits.

For the past 9 months, I have been allergic to every kind of deodorant I’ve tried. Let’s begin by saying I usually make my own deodorant. It’s about as natural as it gets, other than not wearing any. As many times as my sweet man responds “no” to the question “Do my pits smell?” (arm raise included), I still smell myself at times and I cannot stand to smell like BO.

So, after tiring of scratching my pits like a monkey and then having to wash and ice them due to inflammation, I tried variations of this natural deodorant. When none of that worked, I tried multiple natural store-bought varieties. That didn’t work and I even tried some of the chemically kind. Nope, again: itchy, inflamed, red, sore, wash, ice, repeat.

At my wit’s end, I tried a method I heard about from a friend who heard about it from a friend, you get the idea. I know the person who’s idea it was, but I will not post his name in case his deodorant solutions are a more private matter than on my blog. Also, I haven’t brought up the potentially awkward conversation, you know- “Hey, I heard from ______, that heard from ______, that you don’t use deodarant and instead you use ________ .” I’ll omit that conversation and instead just say thank you for the advice that saved my pits.

Are you ready? Rubbing Alcohol. That’s right. The only solution to my pregnancy BO that doesn’t make me break out in hives. Swab on in the morning with a cloth, let dry for a minute or two before putting on your shirt. If it’s a particularly smelly/sweaty day, reapply as needed. I haven’t ever had to reapply in the same day unless I worked out or I didn’t shower (I mean I always shower every day…). Also, I didn’t discover this until a few months ago so it hasn’t been tested in weather over 80 degrees. Still, hallelujah for rubbing alcohol. And no, it doesn’t burn at all unless I have just shaved. I won’t even mention that the price of rubbing alcohol is a great plus for my frugal ways.

So for all y’all (I’m so southern) with itchy pits (which I’m pretty sure is no one), I have discovered the solution for you! You’re welcome.